Postdoctoral Program

The National Postdoctoral Program of Geology, founded in September 1991, holds the first-class national key discipline in Geology, including 5 second-class disciplines, and set up three specially engaged Professor posts of Chueng-Kong Scholars Program in the fields of Structural Geology, Paleontology and Stratigraphy, and Mineralogy, Petrology and Ore deposit studies.

The National Postdoctoral Program of Geology Resources and Engineering, founded in September 2003, holds the second-class national key discipline in General Survey and Exploration of Ore Deposits, and set up one specially engaged Professor post of Chueng-Kong Scholars Program in the same field. The research group of ‘Oil and gas Geology of Energy Basins’ was financially supported by Ministry of Education through the ‘Chueng-Kong Scholars and Innovative Research Team Development Program’.

As one of the departments that relatively early set up the postdoctoral program within Northwest University, Department of Geology has over years kept training postdoctoral fellows directed by the spirit ‘training in combination with using, finding more advanced talents in the duration of training and using’. Leveraging abundant accumulation of 70-year-long academic history in geology, the department attempts to form its own striking feature in training postdoctoral fellows and targets to change into a national training base for high-level scientific and technological talents and a high-level platform for scientific research as well.

In 2005, the National Postdoctoral Program of Geology was awarded ‘National Excellent Postdoctoral Program’.
In 2010, the National Postdoctoral Program of Geology Resources and Engineering was awarded ‘National Excellent Postdoctoral Program’.

We are the only department in Geoscience national excellence prize in both science and engineer postdoctarate programs

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